Minor Ailments in Pregnancy

Minor Ailments in Pregnancy

Heartburn and gastritis in pregnancy Symptoms of indigestion and heartburn include:

  • a burning sensation or pain in the chest
  • feeling full, heavy or bloated
  • burping or belching
  • feeling or being sick
  • bringing up food

Symptoms usually come on soon after eating or drinking, but there can sometimes be a delay between eating and getting indigestion. You can get symptoms at any point during your pregnancy, but they are more common from 12 weeks onwards.

Causes of indigestion in pregnancy

You get symptoms of indigestion when the acid in your stomach irritates your stomach lining or food pipe. This causes pain and a burning feeling.

When you’re pregnant, you’re more likely to have indigestion because of:

  • hormonal changes
  • the growing baby pressing on your stomach
  • the muscles between your stomach and food pipe relax, allowing stomach acid to come back up.

You may be more likely to get indigestion in pregnancy if:

  • you had indigestion before you were pregnant
  • you’ve been pregnant before
  • you’re in the later stages of pregnancy

Things you can do to help with indigestion and heartburn

Changes to your diet and lifestyle may be enough to control your symptoms, particularly if they are mild.

Lifestyle changes

  • Wear loose and cotton dresses.
  • Maintain healthy weight.
  • 10 minutes’ walk (after main meals).

Eat healthily

You’re more likely to get indigestion if you’re very full.

If you’re pregnant, it may be tempting to eat more than you would normally, but this may not be good for you or

Change your eating and drinking habits

You may be able to control your indigestion with changes to your eating habits.

It can help to eat small meals often, rather than larger meals 3 times a day, and to not eat within 3 hours of going to bed at night.

Sit up straight when you eat and just after eating. This will take the pressure off your stomach.

Cutting down on drinks containing caffeine, and foods that are rich, spicy or fatty, can also ease symptoms.

Chew a piece of sugarless gum after meals. The increased saliva may neutralize any acid coming back up into the esophagus.

Eat yogurt or drink a glass of cold milk to quell symptoms once they start.

Sleeping position

Propping your head and shoulders up when you go to bed can stop stomach acid coming up while you sleep.

Sleeping on your left side can also help.

Stop smoking

Smoking when pregnant can cause indigestion, and can seriously affect the health of you and your unborn baby.

When you smoke, the chemicals you inhale can contribute to relax the stomach muscle.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking alcohol can cause indigestion. During pregnancy, it can also lead to long-term harm to the baby. Alternative medicine options include Acupuncture and relaxation techniques, Yoga or guided imagery.

Antacid Medications

If changes to your diet and lifestyle do not work. You can take medicine to ease your symptoms with proper consultation, or if you have

  • difficulty swallowing
  • a hoarse voice
  • a cough that does not get better or keeps coming back
  • swollen glands on each side of your neck
  • weight loss
  • pain or swelling in your stomach

If you’re taking prescription medicines

Speak to your doctor if you’re taking medicine for another condition, such as antidepressants, and you think it may be making your indigestion worse. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medicine.

Never stop taking a prescribed medicine unless you’re advised to do so by your doctor or another qualified healthcare professional who’s responsible for your care.

Medicines for indigestion and heartburn

Medicines for indigestion and heartburn during pregnancy include:

  • Antacids to neutralize the acid in your stomach.
  • Alginates to relieve indigestion caused by acid reflux by stopping the acid in your stomach from coming back up your esophagus.

You may only need to take antacids and alginates when you get symptoms. However, your doctor may recommend taking them before symptoms come on – for example, before a meal or bed.

Do not take antacids within 2 hours of taking folic acid or iron supplements. Antacids can stop these supplements from being absorbed by your body.

If antacids and alginates do not improve your symptoms, your GP may prescribe another medicine to reduce the amount of acid in your stomach.

  • H2 blockers and PPI are 2 groups of drugs prescribed by the doctor.